Good Grief, Good Friends


There’s no way around it; all of us will experience the loss of someone close to us. Grieving is a difficult but necessary part of that loss.


How do you, as a friend, help someone who is going through that process? We found an article that addresses that question and gives excellent suggestions about some of the things you can say and do (and some of the things you maybe shouldn’t).


"How to help a friend who is grieving" ( points out, too, that offering a shoulder to cry on or simply being there to listen to your friend as they reminisce and question and ponder their loss, is an easy but essential way to help. We may not always have the words to heal someone’s pain, but we can offer our presence, a cup of tea, and our time.


Thankfully, in time, grief fades to sweet memories. The gift of a piece of memorial jewelry keeps those memories close, in a most unique and thoughtful way. Why not honor the memory of a loved one – yours or your friend’s – with a custom piece of ashes in glass jewelry or keepsake.


For when words are simply not enough.

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Best Dog Ever!


Somewhere between Groundhog Day and Valentines