Best. Dog. Ever.

Our pets…we love them all. Even the fat mean cat that terrorized the dogs and wouldn’t give us the time of day (except when she needed a lap to curl up on, of course). 

If you’re a dog lover, chances are there is one dog that holds an extra special place in your heart. 

You know the one. The dog that totally gets you. The one who senses the sadness in your sigh, the happiness in your step, the solemnity of your silence. The one who seems to know what you need and is always there to give it to you. 

He’s the dog who witnessed your heartbreak and hard times and offered himself up to you without judgment or reservation. 

When you were feeling all alone in the world, she was the one who laid her warm muzzle on your lap, looked up at you, and you aware, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you were loved.

Our special pets fill our hearts. How fitting to memorialize them with a custom, handmade, pet memorial. Because even when he’s no longer by your side, your best dog ever can still be right there, a beautiful outward expression of the joy he brought – and continues to bring – to your life. 

See our new Pet Memorial section on the web site here at


Catty Comebacks


Good Grief, Good Friends